
Archive for May, 2022

Life in the Spirit

Hey Pastor John.

Sure missing you and being together. red heart

For days now I have been thinking on how blessed we are to have been given this life in the spirit, life in the spirit together.

Some have not been given what we have.  Some never feel what we feel when we are all together praising God because we love the truth in a song!  Some never feel the spirit quicken when Jesus gives you food for us and we feel it run through you and us!  When all our “amens” ring in unison! Some never know how it feels when it feels like it’s Jesus talking straight through you to us.  The experience with Jerry’s mom, and being separated because of the recent sickness, has left me so thankful that we have been given life in the spirit together.  Jesus didn’t have to bless us with life together in him.  Some never have what we have. 

I listened and was blessed by some songs posted recently.  Your brother sings on some of them, and I thanked Jesus for the time he gave us your brother.  We have those songs and blessings because of that time.

I also saw a video with you preaching and brother J– sitting behind you.  In the video, you asked Jesus to let you love the ones who you have in front of you right now.  It sent a pang through my heart for him.  I don’t want a time frame in Jesus; I want an eternity, an eternity with Jesus and all of you. 

I was talking to Jesus this morning and just thanking him for the life he has given me, and then I heard that sister Doris had a rough night!  My whole heart cried out for her, and I sat in the kitchen speaking in tongues.  That is life.  I am thankful for every moment of life we have. 

Beth D.

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I am really in awe of the Introduction to Book Three in the Iron Kingdom Series.  In awe of what Jesus has shown you, and you in turn have shown to us.  In awe that we have escaped the tight grip that Christianity has had on God’s own children for centuries.  

I can’t tell you how many times I have had to lay my computer aside and talk to Jesus about what I was reading and feeling.  It feels so big!  And makes me feel so small!  And I’ve found myself asking Jesus “Why us?”

And then tonight I read this simple sentence on page 61, and it answered, at least in part, my “why us” question: “Thankfully, we have in Paul an example of a faithful servant of God.  He was faithful to the revelation given to him and to the One who gave it.”

I believe Jesus has revealed these things to you, John, for the same reason He trusted Paul with the truth of the gospel.  You have been a faithful servant to the revelation given and to the One who gave it.  It really is that simple.  

I feel certain that others have been shown the truth about Christianity, but were either unwilling or afraid to pay the price for telling it.  I don’t know their reason.  But you, like Paul, believed the truth when you heard it.  And you have been faithfully exposing the truth that Christianity is the “hairy-legged Roman Empire in drag, passing himself off as the Bride of Christ” ever since Jesus revealed it to you.  

It’s so big!  And I don’t feel worthy to even know it, but I’m thankful I do!

All I know is that I am sitting here tonight feeling thankful to call you my pastor and my friend. 

Lee Ann

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Hi, Pastor John,

Hope all is well.

Last week and before I started work, I went downstairs to pray.  My spirit was heavy for all of the illnesses and so many other things going on with us.  Before I started praying, I knew that I could not approach God this time in prayer by starting out in English and my own way to start (as often before); I knew I had to use the holy Ghost to start praying.  As I started praying in tongues, the tongues that I am accustomed to hearing changed to a tongue that was definitely some kind of language–if for no other reason but to talk directly in Spirit to our Lord.  I was speaking in a normal talking voice as if I were talking with someone on a phone.  As I was praying in this language, the Spirit took me to our gatherings where I was in the middle of the floor spinning slowly around in the room and speaking to each individual, but yet to all there in this language.  The Spirit (in my heart) knew every one of our needs, hurts, disappointments, illnesses, joys, happiness, etc., on and on.  It knew what one would need to pray for in the will of God, not just praying for things to happen for our ways.  It reminded me of Sister Betty and Sandy, when the Spirit moved on them in our meetings and spoke to each individual. 

This morning it happened again while I was praying.  While speaking this language, the Spirit instantly took me to different places in the world.  Ukraine, Uvalde, TX where the shooting just occurred, and Washington, DC, from what I can remember.  In an instant as well, the Spirit spoke to me in English, “I am responsible for causing all of this (shootings, wars, bickering among politicians) so that my called-out ones will call on my name.”  It’s like what the Lord spoke to you about your father’s sorrow and the hurt you were feeling for him: “I did it”. 

I can’t explain everything that I was feeling, nor do I want to try, but I do know that (as the message has been, lately) “our times are in His hands”.  Everything God is doing is for the good for those who are called and for those who love God.  I sat in awe after praying this morning before work, rehearsing the scenes in my mind.  All I can say is that, God’s mercy endures forever for those who call upon his name.  He is able to get us out of the grave no matter what may put us there.  God is not bound to anything of this world that affects humans because as you have taught us, “God is not human.” 

I have been really praying lately, “Lord, let me have a heart to call upon you while you can be found.”  I believe there is still much more that God wants to reveal to His people, us included.  I do not want the conveniences of this world to overtake me and make me passive and complacent about calling on His name; I’m not home yet.  But Jesus has led me to a place that can help take me home. 

Just wanted to share this while it was fresh on my mind.


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Psalms 100

Bro. John:

A few weeks ago there was a Pearl of the Day from May 12 that really touched me:

“You are something that God did.”

As I read that Pearl, the Lord reminded me of a scripture.  I could not remember where it was in the Bible but heard, “it is he that hath made us”.  I believe sometimes Jesus just wants us to search after him.  If we do, there is always a blessing waiting.  I searched for the verse and found it in Psalms 100.  But the blessing was how the Spirit broke down these verses for me so that I felt them!  I love when the Spirit walks through the verses with us!

As I got to verse 4, here is how the Spirit stopped me and posed the question and answered:

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving”  Why?  Because it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves.

” . . . and into his courts with praise”  Why?  Because it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves.

” . . . be thankful unto him, and bless his name”  Why?  Because it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves.

Psalms 100

[1] Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

[2] Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

[3] Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

[4] Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

[5] For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Whew!  It was so good to me!  How can we be anything but humble before Jesus when we think on that one thought: ” . . . it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves”  It really blessed me today to read these verses with the Spirit asking me this question and answering.  And it is truly humbling to realize that we bring nothing to the table, not even ourselves. Jesus is the One who, through his Spirit, has made us acceptable to present ourselves a living sacrifice to him.

I thank him for all he has done and is doing for each of us.  We are something that God did!  Bless his name!

Sandy 🙂

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You’re Still God

l saw this on Gary’s YouTube channel: Wow! That’s 18,000+views a year (and counting), per the last 13 years.  It’s an honor to be a part of this work.  Makes me want to pray more than ever to be able to “walk worthy”.

You're still God

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Iron Kingdom Book Preview

Good Morning, John.

I thought these lines on page 53 of the proposed IK book were great:  “Roman religion was concerned with success, not sin…. Jupiter is the best and greatest (god), not because he makes us just or sober or wise, but healthy and rich, and prosperous.”

I believe in a nutshell, that is Christianity.  People generally use “God” for themselves. “Jesus, make me healthy, and prosperous.”  I pray that we don’t have our minds primarily on those things, John. The title of that section is very appropriately titled: “entirely worldly”.
Whew….very sobering thoughts.  I love this book so far! praying hands


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Reading tonight, I loved this:
“When we are subdued we stop complaining about our lot in this world and peacefully go on our way to eternal life.”

And one more:
You wrote,  “I had always thought we were living right so that we could be ready to meet Jesus in peace: I had never realized the  blessing which our holy living was to our pastor.  And I will always be grateful to God for the great grace of being among those who have lived so that we helped the old, battle-scarred preacher bear his burden in his last days of labor for the Lord.”

That’s my prayer, that I can live a holy life not only to meet Jesus one day but for you Pastor John.  You both have saved my life! red heart


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Richard’s Testimony and Dream

Hey there!

Today Vince posted Richard’s testimony “God Brought Me Back”. It is such a wonderful testimony. I just love hearing it and I am so thankful for the mercy Jesus has given us.  Richard’s testimony goes along with a dream I had before we left on our trip last week. The morning I had the dream was the same morning you sent your email reminding the young people on proper summer dress.  I had actually typed up the dream while on our trip, but it oddly disappeared off my phone and I couldn’t retrieve it. I have typed out my dream again and at the end I have added what Richard said in his testimony that he gave in 2018 that Vince posted.

In the dream we were all sitting at tables (reminded me of when we did the Revelation study). Gary had a new song. It was about someone’s life that had been through a lot of hurt and pain as a result of life choices. As folks started to realize the song was about Richard from his time in California some whispered to the person next to them commenting to their neighbor.  I think it was Diane that leaned over to me and asked, “Is this song about Richard?”

Just then, Richard motioned to Gary and asked if he would pause the song so he could tell about the experience in the song.

Richard stood up on a table as if he wanted everyone to hear what he was about to say because it was important. My thought as I looked at him, he was now wearing only a t-shirt and shorts, was how raw and sincere his heart was telling about the hurt during that time in his life.

Then he stepped down off the table, still telling of his hurtful experience and specifically started addressing the young people in our crowd that are not living a godly life. He walked over to one of our young ladies dressed like a Las Vegas show girl. He now had what looked like a boat oar in his hand. He tapped the green feather headdress she was wearing and it fell off her head. He proceeded to tap the long feathered skirt she was wearing and it fell off. As he was knocking off the costume from the young lady he was pleading with her and the other young folks. I don’t remember the exact words he said, but the feeling was as if he were saying, “You don’t need this; this is not who you are. Please don’t go down the road you are heading!  It will not end up good.”

Standing beside the young lady was her mother. When I looked at her it had the feeling like she was surprised at what Richard was saying about her daughter, and she was not happy about it. Then I woke up.

In Richard’s testimony that Vince posted, he told about his time in California and how at first when he started down that path he really didn’t know where it would lead, but after a while he found himself in a place so far away from God wondering, “How did I get here?”

Listening to him tell this part of his testimony, addressing the young people in the room, brought back the feelings from the dream so I wanted to type this part out:

“As someone that has gone down a bad path, God can bring you back, but it is much better to stay on the path in the first place.  All those curses of God are not just a story in the Bible that happened long ago. That is real life. He will do that to you, He can bring you back but it’s not without some pain, it’s not without suffering, and it’s not without some sorrows of the heart. Choose the path of God in the first place.”

Amy F.

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A True Pastor


There seems to be a lot happening lately, especially today with a bad accident and reports of illness.  That said, I would like to tell about something good that Jesus did for me today.

I have been going through the Thought for Today book, particularly in the morning before the day gets going. Today, I read, On the Death of a True Pastor (April 20)* and On the Nature of a True Pastor, (April 21).**  I enjoyed reading again the events that took place surrounding your father’s death.  The last two sentences in the April 20 message reads, “If a man is a pastor sent by God, he cannot retire, any more than Israel’s High Priest could retire.  A pastor is a gift from God, not to be refused if one would grow in the grace and knowledge of God.”

After reading those two sentences, I asked myself if I really believe that my pastor is a gift from God, or has the many years of knowing you caused me to take for granted what God has done. 

The April 21 message, On the Nature of a True Pastor talks about Christianity’s method of hiring and firing pastors.  You tell the story of how in the 1950’s, the local cotton mill in your hometown of Henderson, NC, shut down.  “Some Christian pastors left town because contributions were few.”  You wrote that these ministers left “because they were hired, and the pay was not good enough. Being a pastor is what they DID; it was not who they WERE.”

There are many other nuggets mentioned in both these messages.  One nugget that really stood out is, “George Clark was not elected to his post. He was appointed to it by God.  And the Lord sent him sheep for whom he was responsible to God until death.” “The transfer of authority over the flock” was passed on to you.”

When I finished reading, I closed the book, sat back, closed my eyes and started to pray.  I could not help but thank Jesus for giving me (us) a true pastor.  However, I wanted to be honest with myself.  I asked Jesus to show me how I really feel about my pastor.  Do I really love him, and the gift that he is?

Soon after breakfast, I told Suzi that I was going to deliver the mail I had collected for Richard and Amy while they were on their trip.  Suzi was disappointed that I was leaving so soon because she wanted to go with me.  I told her that I would take a walk first and then we could go together.

I had not gone too far down Preacher Holmes Road before I saw a vehicle coming towards me.  When it got closer to me, I saw that it was you.  You stopped, and we said hello to each other. Although you were only there for a minute, I was very glad to see you, and your smile.

As soon as you drove off, I felt tears come to my eyes because of the love I felt for you.  I knew that Jesus had set that whole thing up.  He wanted me to know how I felt about my pastor, just as I had asked him to do.  If I had delivered the French’s mail earlier, I would have missed seeing you. 

Jesus is so good to us!


* https://goingtojesus.com/gtj_thoughts.html?tname=tft04-20

** https://goingtojesus.com/gtj_thoughts.html?tname=tft04-21

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“Trust Me”

Good Morning, Pastor John.

This was too much to text so I thought I would email to you.

I love how Jesus sends us what we need and gives us a clearer understanding if we listen closely.  The past couple of weeks I keep hearing, “trust me.”  It’s like a wind blowing in my heart, “trust me.”

Sometimes, what seems to be the easiest commandments, I have found myself asking, “OK, but how do I do that?”  Like months ago when Jesus told me to “let go”.  Seems like easy instructions. but I had no idea how.  Then a few days later, he sent my explanation in a “Thought for the Day”*.  I’m finding that even the simplest of tasks or instructions. I need his guidance and understanding  or this carnal mind will mess up or go too far.

Last night, I watched you teach on Hebrews 12**.  In it you were talking about the difference between chastisement and scourging.  You said, “scourging is different from being chastised; scourging is to the bone.”  You taught us the difference between righteous and profane.  You said the righteous honor everything that is of God, no matter the circumstances.  But the profane hold ungodly things as important as godly things (comparing Esau trading his birthright for a bowl of food).

Then you read Hebrews 12:15: “taking care, that no one comes short of the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble.”  And you asked, “What is the root of bitterness?  Unbelief is the root of bitterness.”

Sometimes I feel like I could and have opened that door to bitterness.  Not knowing and having so many question marks about my future is tough.  But listening to you last night felt so good to my heart.  It felt like Jesus was saying, “Here’s your answer — to keep that door shut, permanently.”  There is so much love in that!  To say I trust Jesus is just words and easy, but I want my whole heart to trust him, no matter what my circumstances may be.  I love his instructions, and I love that he has me in a place to learn.  We have so much right at our fingertips!  I want to take it all in.

Love you, Pastor John!


And…  I love this!

  1. So then, straighten up the listless hands and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet lest that which is lame be turned aside, but let it rather be healed.

This is how I feel every time Jesus comes to my rescue!  It’s like, Okay, you’re through that now; let’s finish running this race together!”

* Going to Jesus.com – Audio Materials

** Going to Jesus.com – The Sabbath Is For Rest

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