
Archive for November, 2016

Which Locust?


Was the locust that John the Baptist ate a tree?  All this time, I thought he had been eating locust the bug.




No, Wendell, it was the little critter.   They were clean animals, according to Moses’ law.

Pastor John

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Thanksgiving Morning

Hi, Pastor John.

While Judy went to work and before the Thanksgiving dinner yesterday morning, I felt such an overwhelming thankfulness for this Life that Jesus gave to me, and this place that Jesus brought me to.  It was about 8:00 a.m. or so, and I got out my guitar and was singing unto the Lord, when I just fell on my face in the middle of the floor and yielded to what I was feeling. I felt so grateful for what I was feeling!  The Spirit took over where I was crying uncontrollably with joy for my life. It lasted a little while and left me with a grateful feeling. I love those times when we are together and the Spirit flows, but I really love these alone times with Jesus and me.

After the Spirit was finished, I took Sarge for a walk on Bob’s property, just enjoying the feelings left over in my heart from that communion with God. Nothing is like getting alone with Jesus; it’s some of the best times I have ever had.

Billy M

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Most Beautiful before Death

Good morning Pastor John!

Tokens testimony about the leaves last night is amazing to me. Jesus told me the same thing two weeks ago. 

I was driving down the road talking to Jesus. I had been feeling a little low and just wanted to be with my friend Jesus.  All of a sudden the color of the trees stood out to me. They were so vibrant and beautiful. I said to Jesus “Lord, the trees were not this beautiful last week. They are getting so much richer in color. Lord, the closer they get to death the more beautiful they get”.  Then the spirit said “The closer you get to death the more beautiful you are”. (I understood it meant us in the body)

A few days after that, I was driving and the leaves were so pretty. I was thinking I want to stop and get a picture of how pretty they are. Still driving, I noticed that each tree separated was pretty but they really are breathtaking all together. As soon as I had that thought, Jesus said, “That is just like the body. You are most beautiful together”.

I love hearing from Jesus. When I heard Token tell that testimony last night, my heart stopped. It always does when Jesus shows me how real he is.

Writing this out I just keep feeling like it does not get any better than this. This life with Jesus is everything I could dare to dream to have. Feeling very filled, full and fulfilled, as sister Willie would say.



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When Did the Church Lose Military Power?

Hey there,

We read the section on the Iron Kingdom and listened along.  This was really good.  I have heard you talk about the apostate body of Christ for some time now, but it is really something to learn that there had to be an apostasy of Rome from a Republic in order for the blending of the two to even take place.  Even though you are just beginning to touch on the details of Rome’s Third transformation, you can just feel how much of a complex, and yet subtle transformation it was – beyond any human kind of genius.  It is really incredible that Jesus has put it in our hearts to believe it, even if it is, right now anyway, far too much for our brains to really grasp.

A question I had as I read and listened to everyone’s comments was, when did the “holy Roman empire” lose its military might?  It almost seems like there was a mini-transformation even after the 3rd transformation.  The Church still seems to have dominion over Western society and culture, but it’s almost like it’s a dominion that’s so much part of everyone’s lives (whether they admit it or not) that it doesn’t even have to actively exercise any military or political might over anyone.  I can’t really put my finger on what I’m trying to ask, but like you talk about later in this section in your notes – it’s more than just a mere influence.  It seems like a complete infiltration of Christianity into the culture that most people don’t even realize that they are influenced by it – and that is much more powerful that physically forcing people to think or believe a certain way.

Anyway, just some thoughts I was having this morning – disconnected as they are.  I am really enjoying what you are doing with this work, even though I’m a long way from understanding it in my mind – it just feels good in my spirit to think about these things.



Hi, Vince.

The Third Transformation of Rome took time to be perfected after it began in AD 325.  The Church maintained much of its military power, with ebbs and flows, until fairly recently, just a few centuries ago.  I suspect that the Church would love to have it back, even though its control over men’s minds is enormous without it.  God help those who love the truth in Christ if the Church ever does regain it!  Only time will tell if the Church will again possess great political/military power, or if the Beast will arise and destroy Christianity without it achieving that goal.

Pastor John


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Michelle’s email and Token’s testimony last Wednesday, (both about strife) makes me consider something that the Lord showed me.  That is, strife doesn’t exist in the Spirit – because the Spirit cannot be offended!  Any kind of offense that we experience, any hurt or injury that we feel is just to our flesh.  The Spirit in us is not offended, nor hurt, nor any other thing that is not producing the will of God. And it is not striving with others to be right. 

To flee from strife, to flee from the effect of someone’s poor treatment of us, or from the desire to defend ourselves from it,  is just to be spiritually minded. Strife and other carnal things just can’t get a foothold into God’s Spirit in us.

Jesus was never offended.  Even during his crucifixion, he pitied and prayed for the lost souls trying to hurt him.  God has that same Spirit.  And with a heart free from strife, and free from offense for all of the hate He has endured, He will execute perfect judgement on the souls that He damns for eternity. 

We are to be like-minded.  Full of His Spirit that is praying and hoping and working for the souls that despitefully use us while executing the same perfect judgment to be free from strife and avoiding all of those who pursue it.


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What is “Spiritual Weakness”?

Good morning!

I was reading the tract, This Is My Friend, and I have a question. It says, “God freely offers his children faith for healing and deliverance; yet, because of spiritual weaknesses, some have not yet learned to trust him.” What actually are spiritual weaknesses? Is it not staying full of the holy Ghost? Or letting other things come in, the cares of this life, etc. Just want to see if I’m getting it?


Donna C


Hi Donna.

Yes, spiritual weakness is, as you said, the result of not staying full of the Spirit. Or, we could say instead that spiritual weakness comes from living “according to the flesh”, as Paul would say it. Jesus, you will remember, said of his disciples, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mt. 26:41). And Paul said that the law of Moses “was weak through the flesh” (Rom. 8:3). So, in the Bible, the ways of the flesh are associated with spiritual weakness, while spiritual strength comes from the Spirit of God.

Pastor John

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God Did It

Wow…I was reminded of this today by the holy ghost: “Trump was elected by God, not the electoral college tallies.” 

And a long-time [backslidden Christian] friend said something interesting today…

As he was watching the states’ votes on Tues on TV, he noticed how Hillary was in the lead by only a few votes in each state, up until about 9:pm PST, when the whole situation flipped and the final counts turned in Trumps favor and the percentages began to split and his tallies became higher than Hillary’s. And Mark had read online about many Christians (some of them undoubtedly children of God) had began praying across the nation in small and large groups mid-evening.  God heard their prayers and really turned the tide…and Trump took the office.

It seems like a miracle occurred.  When most everything else was stacked against him, Divine intervention tweaked the numbers and made it happen.

I feel that something is up with the Lord and our 45th president—and his VP.  

Token’s “turn-of-events” idea, although horrible to imagine, might be a possibility.  We do not know what God is up to, but I feel for the first time in a long time, to pray fervently for this man, AND for the changing of the hearts of those who currently despise him.  God forgive them for they know not what they are saying; deceived by the spirits of this age. 

Feeling happy and hopeful, trusting in Jesus.



Both candidates were, and still are, souls without God and without hope, but there is, for the time being at least, a palpable feeling of relief in the air that Mr. Trump won.  I think it is because believers feel safer with him.  He doesn’t seem the type to target believers’ hearts for persecution, the way Mrs. Clinton would have, and push an immoral agenda as vigorously.

Pastor John

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Lured with Love

Hi Pastor John!

I want to share this testimony because it is so good to me.

I often hear brothers and sisters in the Lord say, “When I heard the Truth, it just connected with something inside of me,” or something along those lines. Well, I always felt a little bit worried every time I heard that said because that wasn’t necessarily my experience. 

Recently, a brother testified to hearing the Truth and it lining up inside right away. As soon as he said this, I felt that little ping of worry hit my heart.  I immediately said to Jesus, “Lord, I didn’t feel that way.  Am I ok, Jesus? Why didn’t I feel like that?”  Jesus spoke right back to me and said, “I lured you here with love.”  That touches my heart so deeply!  I did not come seeking the Truth.  I don’t know if I even really understood that there was a Truth.  I came seeking Jesus.  My sweet Jesus who so tenderly picked me up and cared for me.

Today I woke up remembering all that Jesus brought me from.  I spent some time this morning thanking him and God for loving me and not giving up on me.  As I was driving to my first appointment (about an hour away) the sweetest feelings fell on me.  I was already feeling so in love with Jesus, but this was so much more.  It was such a beautiful and pure feeling of love.  I could see Jesus carrying me out of a valley. He is my hero, my everything.  I felt so infused with Jesus. The Earth could have fallen to pieces and none of it would have mattered.  I said to Jesus in that moment, “Lord, do whatever you want to this body, these relationships, this world, just please don’t put me down.”  If I could stay in that place with Jesus, feel those feelings, nothing else would matter.

When the feelings began to fade, I felt so lonely for that place, that connection to Jesus.  I can only imagine what an eternity feeling those feelings will be like.

I feel like the Lord has been letting me fall more deeply in love with him and feel those beautiful feelings because that is how he loves me.  That is a glimpse of how Jesus loves us.


P.S. I hope we get to see Jesus A LOT in Heaven.

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Hi Pastor John.

Up early…before 6:00… stepped outside to feel the cool air… clear me mind… pray… feelings stirring inside me…

As we’ve watched many in this nation come unglued with vicious tempers and irrational fears over the past two days; their Facebook posts demonstrating that they are neither tolerant nor inclusive as they boldly demand  everyone must be, they’re been wailing and pouting and name-calling like little babies.  It’s such a shame to see.  It is nation of people who simply don’t know God; don’t know the love and the peace of Jesus.  If we think back to when Barack Obama was first elected, many, if not most believers were dismayed about his election, yet they (we) endured, and prayed and kept Jesus’ peace in our hearts for comfort and stability.  I am thankful for your continual exhortations to remain faithful and keep our eyes on the prize, and not let the situations of the make our hearts faint.

Amidst all the strife that’s unfolding for those who hate and fear President-elect Trump, I felt a curious sense of peace and strength this morning, looking our into the dawn.  This might be a good time—the best time—for believers to reach out and speak the truth more boldly–with meekness, fear and compassion—to those we meet who are fearful and angry.     

For if my reaction to their anger is not righteous and is retaliatory in nature, then I will fail myself, my Lord, and them.  But if I offer them the gospel of hope and peace and love and mercy, maybe the light will touch their hearts and give them hope instead of the despair that they’re currently feeling. I felt that this morning…as I stood in the cool crisp air…that I MUST focus on helping others to heal, to move past their fears and rage, and seek something higher.  Of course, they must be encouraged to repent.

How does one present that concept without risking being shouted down for “judging” them!?  I think it’s a risk we must take….to help calm the storms, the tempers, the fears of those who do not know God. 

One young lady I had the pleasure of speaking to said she stayed out and got drunk on Wednesday night with other friends of hers who were wailing about the election, yet she didn’t feel as strongly about it, and wasn’t really into politics. (She expressed she had “anxiety” in general, and smoked a lot of “weed”, so she was more enthusiastic about the [foolish] California proposition that legalized it).   When we parted, I said a simple “God bless you”, and she returned the phrase to me.  Then I told her I would pray for her to receive relief from her anxiety, from God, and that He could heal her from her anxiety if she would give Him a chance.  And she smiled respectfully, said thanks, then walked away.  I hope my boldness and courteousness would at least plant a seed in her heart.  That is what I am choosing to do, from now on…speaking about Jesus more often…with gentleness, and continue to live right so as not to bring reproach on Him or on my testimony.  If I avoid getting into the fray by arguing the “issues”, I can perhaps influence people more substantially….by sharing the gospel of peace.

I say, let’s not be afraid to speak out more often now, to reduce the intensity of the rage in our communities.

Everybody needs Jesus.  One person at a time.  Pay it forward.  :^)

Do you agree?




Hi Brad.

As Mary told the servants about Jesus at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, “Whatever he says to you, do it.”

Pastor John



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Feelings about Trump

Well, I didn’t pay any attention to the election at all yesterday, as I went about my own business.  It truly was the furthest thing from my mind.  I’d given it over to Jesus.  I felt peaceful, detached from the cultural strife, and at peace in Him.  Really!  Then, after reading your FB post about Jesus being our King, it deepened my trust, and my obliviousness to the whole phenomenon that was unfolding throughout the day.   

I didn’t stay up and watch the TV. I went to bed early. I didn’t care. I prayed. I cried. . .and I hoped.

I didn’t hope that Trump would be elected.  I merely hoped that Hillary Clinton would be defeated. 

I awoke this morning to the newspaper on the front porch, and the headline “TRUMP STUNNER” actually felt strangely comforting.  As I said, I am not as glad that over half the American people elected Trump, as I am that Clinton was destroyed.  An evil person was defeated.  (Well, at least the greater of two evils was defeated.)  As boorish and foolish and politically inexperienced as Trump is, I think it would have been far worse if that vile woman would have become president—worse for the nation and worse for her.  I am relieved for us and for her.  I think if she had become president her madness would have only accelerated.  

Now, having said that…what on earth do we have for a President in this strange character, Donald Trump?

As reprehensible as Trump is, I feel there is something inside of him that is sincere, and that God can use.  I feel compelled to pray for him, fervently, that God might soften his arrogance and deliver him from his bullyish pride; that God might use him for good, for restoring law and order; for standing up for the right things, for protecting our country against more evil.  I pray that God HUMBLES Donald Trump ,so he can be trusted by the American public, perhaps eventually even by those liberals who currently despise him.  The criminal, deceitful wicked Clinton did not succeed in taking over this country, and I am thankful for that.  I am more thankful for that than I am for Trump being elected.  What happens now is anybody’s guess.  It might be worse.  He might be utterly inept, for all we know; but I feel that, in spite of his immoral and unorthodox manner, there is the potential that he is a better man (in his heart) than Obama, and certainly better than Hillary.  Who knows?   (God knows what He is doing.)  

PRAISE GOD!!  We can Trust GOD!!  …in ALL THINGS!  Let’s stay hidden in Him.



Hi Brad.

For all his faults, Mr. Trump has the potential to become what future historians will call a great president.  Some past presidents have not had that potential, and some who did have it never fulfilled their potential.  So, the jury is still out.  And it will stay out until Mr. Trump’s presidency is over.

God help him.  That job is far bigger than any man, no matter what his potential is.

Pastor John


Hi John,

I woke up this morning and saw your midnight texts about the possibility of Trump becoming president (when it seemed like his election would not be likely)…. I looked online after I got up this morning, and saw that Trump had gotten elected (surprise – I really did not think Trump could win since all sides were in some way against him.) 

I watched the news for a few minutes, and then I realized:  nothing had changed!  The people on the news were still bickering, the foolish were still talking and analyzing about nothing, the supporters and detractors were still complaining…. the spirits of none had changed, one way or the other.

And then I felt the Spirit say:  “what’s that to me?”  In other words, an election is irrelevant to what God wants for me

Ha, that was good.  Nothing has changed in me.  I’m still praying, I’m still trusting Jesus (alone), I’m still at peace, I’m still filled with the holy Ghost and happy for all that He has done.  It’s a good feeling to not be caught up in any of that or and focus on the things that are important to Jesus.  One of them it to pray for ALL who are in authority.  Another is obeying and pleasing Jesus, and serving our brothers and sisters everywhere.   That has not changed for us, regardless of the election, either way.

I wondered if God had not given this country another four years, just so men can SEE where this nation will go with a man who seems to have at least “some” common sense about some things, and was not afraid to speak up about it.  We’ll see if he can stand it. 

I will be praying for him.  Mr. Trump will need it – and I hope he humbly falls down on his knees and cries out to the One who has given him any sense he does have.  

It was a surprise – but God knows.  🙂



Hi John,

I am so thankful that I feel the same as I did yesterday, and the day before that, and the year before that.  I am so glad that I believe and I know who is in charge of everything in our lives.  He is in charge of my house; He is in charge of my job; He is in charge of this country, and the rest of the whole world, and beyond.  It makes it so easy, and all I have to be concerned about is this: Am I doing what He wants me to do?  And He will be pleased with whatever He puts in our hands to do if we walk in His ways. Thank you, Jesus!








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