
Archive for April, 2016

Peace Tonight

Pastor John,

Tonight felt so good.   When you were singing your song Feel for Peace I closed my eyes and whispered Jesus and it felt like he was rubbing my shoulders.   I felt every burden lift, I felt like I could have just melted.  I feel very thankful and very blessed to be here and to be able to feel rest like that.  It was sweet to be with everyone tonight; it’s been a while.

Hope you have a peaceful night.   See you tomorrow!


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Iron Kingdom – Slander is Christianity

Pastor John, 

Last night, I printed out the section of the Iron Kingdom book that you sent.  I read the first two pages. Wow Pastor John. You know what kept jumping out at me?  I have always thought of Satan being called THE FATHER OF LIES and THE SLANDERER being due to the Garden of Eden and slandering God in Eves  heart. Also as being cunning in distracting hearts from God. What I felt when I read those two pages felt so much bigger. Jesus calling Satan THE FATHER OF LIES and THE SLANDERER is about so much more. Satan has gone to such lengths to build this empire of corruption and the WHOLE world calls this corruption Jesus. I guess to break it down I feel like I got to see out of the box. I had this little boxed in idea of what that name The SLANDERER meant and it’s so much bigger. I keep thinking no one will believe this. When Jesus comes back and every soul knows the Truth and sees what Jesus is showing us now , it will all be so out of their box. It is so much bigger. This is hard to put in words. The Slander is Christianity. The Father of lies is because of the LIE OF CHRISTIANITY not Eve and the Garden. I feel so excited and so in awe. I went to bed with it and woke up at 5 a.m. just in awe of seeing it.  It feels BIG!


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Iron Kingdom Feedback


The edited article on “the Apostasy” is top-of-the-line in my opinion. It is very clear, and no reasonable person reading it could deny that what you are saying is true, when comparing it to the Scriptures.  A person would have to be holding onto “something”, to not agree with your points.

However, as with all other truths, it’s going to take Jesus.  When confronted with forsaking the religion of Christianity, that’s usually a horse of a different color, and I would imagine that the god of this world will blind the eyes of many of those who read it…. But I am so thrilled it is being said!!

I loved it, and thanks for sending it.




I know we have heard through the years how all forsook Paul, but when I read what you wrote, it became more real to me.  The way you have worded The Apostasy is so plainly written that the words came off of the page and seemed highlighted to my heart and mind. You have given us a glimpse of Paul’s and John’s hearts.  It left me feeling quiet and feeling very grateful that Jesus would let us see these things. 

I could feel Paul’s and John’s hurt, their aloneness, their feelings of a clear conscience in having done all Jesus gave them to do. I felt like they showed us the kinds of things we will suffer for Jesus’ sake, and they taught us how to be perfect when going through times of suffering and being alone. They counted it all joy all the way home to be with the Lord. I felt like I got to know them better after reading this.   I keep hearing Gary’s song, “All they in Asia have forsaken me”.

Thank you for sending this out for us to read. 



Just like Gary and Bess have said, this is very clear and very plainly written. Though, without the Spirit’s help, and yours by laying it all out as you have done, we would never be able to understand it or take it in. I am very thankful that we can even see all that we have, and are being shown and I hope that the Lord continues to show us more. This book will be good for God’s people. Thank you for sending this.



This is good John, and sad at the same time.  Just like we read this morning while translating, seeing the labor and work that Paul did just to keep God’s people on track.  Jesus did the same thing with the apostles, working to get them to hold on until Pentecost, which he was able to do – and that is a miracle!  Paul, in the end was forsaken. :/ It’s the same now, for you it seems, the work and labor to keep God’s people on track, and in the end, many may still forsake the truth, BUT, the work is not in vain! and all those who have been faithful will be rewarded in the end and rejoice with Paul and Jesus and you and everyone else who has labored in the truth and who has remained true and believed the Gospel!  What a glorious day!

I love this “The Apostasy” that you have written.  I love the apostle Paul! 🙂

Amy B.


Hello Bro John,

I’ve enjoyed reading all the emails you have sent out while you’ve been at the beach. I can’t even comprehend how you’ve done all this but I’m sure God has been right there with you hearing your prayers for help and understanding. I have thought about you many times, in your office there, working away to give us good, healthy food. 

As I read your writings, I thought about hungry people, no doubt many of them Christians too, out there longing for something other than what they have been taught. Probably having feelings and thoughts like, wow this makes sense, this feels right, it makes more sense than anything I’ve ever heard. Bro John, I just know there are people out there that will find relief in what you’ve written. Many times I think, I would like to be a fly on their walls to see those joyful facial expressions when that light bulb comes on and their searching and seeking pays off. Of course, we know others will hate it and you for those words they read.

I did have to look up quite a few words because I didn’t know the meanings and I wrote the definitions in the margins. That was good for me to do because I wanted to really try to get the meaning of what you were saying. Then I passed them along to Sammy so he could take each one to work. 

A few times, I felt kinda lost but I loved what you said recently, that you would get us there and I know you will. Can’t wait til my light bulb kicks in too when you explain it more in person.  

Thank you so much for wanting to get this work done. Look forward to seeing you very soon.




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I Love This, from Your Iron Kingdom

Love this, from your writings on the Iron Kingdom!:

“The Gospel cannot be dressed up; it is naked truth, and whenever it is adorned with worldly clothing to make it acceptable to the world, it is changed into something else, something foreign to the righteousness of God.  The beauty of the Gospel is that the Gospel needs no clothes; it has no “uncomely parts” which virtue demands to be covered.”

Amy Boveia


Truth is not in a “fallen state” as man is.

 Billy M.


Amen, Billy!  So true!  I love that.

Pastor John

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Oh this is good!  I just finished reading this with my parents.  I noticed you had a note at the end after the Tables comparing Daniel and John’s visions that asked if we thought you should use that last paragraph.  Yes!  It is so good how you explained that the Beast had seven heads and carried the “great whore” on its back.  Such a good explanation of the section following those Tables.  What a wealth of information, and putting it together like this makes it so clear!  You are really working, John.  I’m so glad you have been able to get this started.  Just the little we’ve read so far is so big.  Hope you are able to rest in between.  See you soon.

Amy B.

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Iron Kingdom Book (Questions)


In connecting Daniel’s vision of the Iron Kingdom and John’s vision of the Beast in Revelation, it’s looking like the Beast IS Christianity and Christianity is the Beast  I had always envisioned the Beast as being a specific person coming in the future. The Beast being Christianity is a new thought and would mean it/he is already here! Have you said that before??!



Hi Richard.

It seems to me that the Beast is a person, the coming world ruler, but that he embodies the wicked spirit (Satan) who inspired Constantine to blend his Empire and the Gospel in order to form a system for stabilizing and controlling the world, which system continued to evolve and eventually became known as Christianity, or “Christendom”.  At the same time, we must remember the ten kings of Revelation 17, serving under the Beast, destroy Christianity (the “Great Whore”).

Whew, Richard!  It is a mystery, isn’t it?  God help us stay prepared (that is, full of the holy Ghost) for whatever happens!

Pastor John


It’s kind of interesting after reading these your IK notes to look at bible verses on the beast.

Concerning the “beast”, this verse always intrigued me:

Rev 13:3  “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

Do you think this verse could have anything to do with the Rome, one of the beast’s heads, being “wounded” (men thought it fell because so much about it changed) and then “healed” (morphed with Christianity, and really never went anywhere/died)? 

Or, is this wounding of the beast’s head an event still for the future? 

I know that you said Revelation was in chronological order, and that probably means it has not happened yet judging by some things before it. But it is still interesting.  I wonder what things we are going to find in the scriptures, as we go through the IK writing with you… there is probably a lot we will see as we are stretched by Jesus.  🙂



Yes, Gary, I expect some serious stretching of our spirits and understanding from Jesus before this job is completed!

Pastor John


Whew, this is good reading. Really like this part too:

“Rome is the survivor extraordinaire among earthly kingdoms. None of its long-used earthly power or brilliance could have saved it from extinction, only an infusion of new blood. As it turned out, ‘the blood of prophets and of saints’ would do it.”

My, my, who in the world knows this and can believe it!  We are so blessed, John. Keep at it, you will be rewarded.:) 🙂


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Iron Kingdom Book

Wow John, 

I can only imagine what an undertaking this “Iron Kingdom” book is.  There is no way anyone can figure out thousands and thousands of years of layers of spiritual darkness that has been placed on peoples eyes because of the lack of trusting and obeying the Spirit that the Son made available for his people. I am like Kathy and Vince, in that I love what I feel in his Spirit about what you are doing, and I know God is with you in all these things and it will be for good for God’s people. Without his help there is nothing but confusion for the scholars and us.  It is really something to see how God gave bits and pieces of his truth through some of the scholars about Christianity and yet the darkness of it keeps them in the dark by the fear of man, and maybe God hid it that way for a reason. I am just thankful he lets us know what we know everyday.  That is a powerful thing in our lives, to believe what we do know about him everyday and live that way. I just pray that we can take in everything he wants to open up to us, and believe it, and put it into action in our lives and let it be us!! Thank you, John, for the love you have for his truth.  Oh how much that has touched our lives from day to day!

Thank you


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Were They Romans?

Were the believers Romans who eventually (over time) gave themselves to the Roman Empire, or were they just normal, common back-slidden God’s people who wanted to get involved in Rome’s politics and eventually partake of it’s riches?
What you have written just has the same feelings as when Israel wanted a king in I Samuel and when the took on foreign wives at Baal-Peor.

Billy M


Hi Billy.

All people in the Empire, after about 200 or so – I forgot the year – were officially considered Roman citizens.  Before that, just some of God’s people, like the apostle Paul held the distinction of Roman citizenship.

Pastor John

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The Blessing of a Body

Pastor John,

We are blessed to have a place (that “place” is us!) to take our testimonies and our experiences with Jesus to.

While preparing for work this morning, the Spirit let me know that having a place to tell your testimony and having a place to tell what you have heard or experienced from God is a wonderful blessing!  I don’t think there are many people or groups out there, who would embrace the experiences that Jesus continues to give us….pure doctrine, wisdom, truth and judgment, music, hearing from God, being led by the Spirit, correction, and on and on.

It made me consider, what if we had no one to tell our testimony to, no one who loved it with us, no one to tell, “what Jesus said this morning”, and no one to encourage us in our right thoughts from God?

We are washed by passing out those experiences that Jesus gives to us.  And we are blessed to be allowed to do it.  It cleanses us and gives us strength.   We need to pass those experiences on as much as we need the experience itself.  What a privilege it is to be a part of the body of Christ that wants to hear, and that understands what God is saying and doing in each of our lives, everyday.

That was a good reminder for me this morning. 

We are a valuable group of people, to God and to one another.



Hi Jerry.

Thanks for this.  I especially was touched by this thought: “We need to pass those experiences on as much as we need the experience itself.”  That is so very true!

Any group of saints that God puts together is a holy blessing for the individual members of that body, and for the body of Christ world-wide.  I am so thankful for the body of saints that God has created here, for you and me, and for all of us!

Pastor John


I love this (Jerry’s email). I’m so thankful for us, too.

There were times when I would listen to people testify and I would think, “I want to speak up. I want something to say.” As I’ve gone through these past two years, Jesus has given me testimonies! Ones to tell to the body and other ones to tuck away in my heart. How valuable are those experiences! It really does make you thankful for the harder times when you draw closer to Jesus.

I love having that place (us – a “who” not a “what”) like Jerry said, where people understand you. As this world becomes crazier, we have such an oasis. It is not something to be taken for granted.



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Politics and Believers

Hi Pastor John,

I have been listening to the tracts that we have recorded for the Going To Jesus website.  Listening to Vince’s recording of “Politics and Believers” has the same ring to it as coming out of Christianity.  The Israelites were no more entangled in the affairs of Egypt, or its government; no more task masters, no more labor of burdens for Pharaoh’s desires; no more citizens or even a country to belong to.  They were God’s sole responsibility to lead then to Canaan’s land, govern them, feed them, and be their buckler and shield. But mainly He was a God of rest.  The Government that Israel was governed with was easy and restful (as long as Israel obeyed God).

For us, or anyone, to fully come out of Christianity is to put your whole trust in God to lead, clothe, govern you (with God’s man), and to have rest in your soul from the entanglements of earthly governments and their desires, and to worship the true God in spirit and truth, not looking back to your previous residence. God knew what was going to make the Israelites happy and free, and it is no different today.  God knows what will make us happy and free, and give us rest.

I feel so very thankful this morning.


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