
Archive for July, 2011

All Things

Pastor John’s House Teaching Materials and Music Store


Pastor John,

What role does Satan play, if God is in control of all things?


Thanks for the question, Ross.

When the Spirit spoke to me on August 23, 1981, and set me free from faith in the devil so that I could place all my faith and all my fear in my heavenly Father, Satan became irrelevant to me. However my Father chooses to use him is my Father’s business, and I do not have to even think about it. The overall point is that, whatever role that the Father decides Satan will play in any situation, Satan has no control and no authority over the circumstances of our lives. As I wrote in my book, “All Things” (Current title is Suffering and the Saints, see above link), Satan cannot even stick out his tongue at us unless God tells him to stick it out. And even then, he must keep it stuck out until God tells him to take it back in. The same is true of ungodly people. They cannot determine anything that happens to us, and that knowledge saves us from bitterness. It is so comforting to know that no matter what happens, God is still God, and Jesus is still Lord of ALL.

Pastor John

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Your teaching today was such an eye-opener, regarding the truths contained in the writings of Hebrews.

The relationship between Father and the Son is so OBVIOUS!! And the facts about salvation are OBVIOUS!!

It’s perplexing to see how the insidiousness of Christianity has stolen true hope from the hearts of seekers, so that they barely stand a chance, once they’re ensnared in the web. The confusion surrounding “saved” vs “conversion” is truly Satan’s greatest masterpiece; an accomplishment that grieves my heart day in and day out. The Slanderer replaced hope with “you’re saved now.” And millions have bought into it; hook, line and sinker.

There is a blind arrogance, that, once conceived and established in a believer, robs the truth from that person’s heart, and robs the fear of God, certainly, as well, from their heart, so that they cannot grow in the knowledge of the truth. It’s as if they are stillborn. They stop growing spiritually, yet on the outside it may seem as if they are reformed and born-again. Christianity enables many to act as if they are living right, while never having actually experienced forgiveness from God, via the new birth. It is a religion built on “faith alone,” compounded by forms and rituals and phrases that make it all seem so good and pure. . . and pious. Ohh, what a whitewashed facade!!

The “pearl” of the day comments on this: A person can be reformed, without being cleansed from sin. Their behavior makes them seem to be changed, but on the inside. . . well, you know.

I’m always perplexed by Christians whose lives seem to be truly changed by the power of God, and they give Jesus the credit (they claim unashamedly to be disciples of the Lord), yet they embrace an organization that teaches against THE POWER of God.

I am constantly humbled and elated by the truth. And I am grateful.

Thank-you for getting together this morning and teaching this.

In appreciation,


How ANGRY I feel, that so many of our brothers and sisters are believing that lie. After all, God “saved” me from that Thing, and it is discouraging that Satan has robbed us from having fellowship with those dear ones who are still IN THAT THING!!!!!!! That steams me!!!!!! Is that a sin to feel this way? I hope not.

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Hey John,

Seeing the power of God on our children (all of them) tonight has left me in awe of God’s goodness. He has truly done more than we could even think to ask for. He is better than we can imagine. Every touch from him and every time I see his power on someone makes me want to truly know him and his power more and more. It is really all that is important in this life. When I left tonight I could hardly speak. (I am trying now but I can’t get out how I feel)

When the glory of God was on the children tonight God asked me a question. “If one of these little children began to prophesy would you be humble enough to believe it?” I could only say, “I think so Lord, but if I am not, please fix me.”

I do not know what God has in store for us around the corner but I sure do want to be in my place when it comes.

Thank you for being who you are, hearing from God and passing it on.


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Good morning pastor John! PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! How are you doing? I hope you’re doing very well! I saw your videos on your channel via YouTube and let me just say that you’re a true man of God!!! Thanks to your awesome resources on your website, me and my family hold prayer meetings at our house 2 days per week (Friday & Saturday afternoons) and the meetings helps us grow stronger and stronger in God! Our youth participates in our prayer meetings too and they seek and hunger for God so much! Thank you so much for the info on your site and I look forward to following up with you via Twitter and Facebook (I always follow your tweets lol). You have a wonderful and blessed day and take excellent care.

God bless you and your family.

With support always, Edwin – Chicago, IL


I just wanted to thank you for the CD i received “Fill Us with Glory Now.” As i sit here listening to it now i cant help but be so thankful for all of the blessing that God gives me and my family each and every day. This song is one of those blessings. Thank you and may God be a blessing to you and all that you do!

Duane O


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Pastor Johns House Website

Name: Bishop George M.

comments: 1.How many leaders call by God agree with your teaching?

Very few that I know of. There is a question, however, that reveals an even more significant problem in the body of Christ: How many “leaders called of God” agree on any doctrine? The body of Christ on earth is in a divided mess. The truth that I am teaching can heal the body, and I hope that it will one day heal the division that seems to exists between us.

2. How can you teach and believe in tithes and not accept water baptism?
The doctrine concerning tithes and offerings as opposed to dead ceremonies such as water baptism can be found here. Your answer is found there:

Tithes and Offerings:


( I know water does not save , but isn’t it our public confession of identifying with Christ

No. It is a public confession of ignorance. The only acceptable “public confession” of Christ is Christ- like conduct.

3. You say you are not a Christian, Then you are not Christ like right?

I hope Jesus sees me as living a Christ-like life, and you, too. Part of my effort to be Christ-like is to obey his voice and come out of Christianity – and not be a Christian because Christ himself is not one.

The bible says the the apostles were called Christians first at Antioch


Yes, it does. But it does not tell us who called them that. Whoever it was, it was not the apostles. They would have never made such a claim. Somebody else did it to them: “they were called”, not “they called themselves”.

4. Jesus condemned no one even the those whom were wrong,

I don’t know which Bible you have been reading, but the Bible I read tells me he condemned a bunch of people, calling them “sons of the devil”, liars” etc. Please stop resisting the truth. I have seen people lose their minds trying to oppose it. You know better than to say such a thing. Please do not push Jesus too far.

you seem to think you can not go wrong

I can assure you that such is not the case.

do you believe you are the only one right and everybody else has it wrong?

Not at all. I believe God is right, and everybody else, except Jesus, has it wrong. I trust only his doctrine, his baptism, and his spirit. I hope that we can at least agree that neither you nor I am right. Only The Father and the Son. Then, we can begin to walk together in their light instead of a doctrine, a baptism, and a spirit that came to us from someone else.

Thanks for your time look forward to hearing from you
The last time I asked question you never posted to the site to give others a chance to see are you afraid to let them see the questions asked?


I am sorry. I don’t remember that. If possible, you can re-send those questions to me, and I will answer them as best I can.

Pastor John


Bless you, Bro John….and sometimes we get it coming and going.

When you said to this person about agreeing at least on the fundamentals of HIS doctrines, baptism and spirit, I saw this: HIM being baptized in the the river Jordan. Such joy our Father must’ve had toward Him at that moment. And we get a glimpse of this when HE spoke and said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

HIS grace and peace to you and yours,


Hi Sister Rita. Good to hear from you.

Jesus’ baptism is not the one he received at the Jordan. That was John’s. Maybe if we used another example, what I teach will be made clearer: Jesus’ circumcision is not the one his human body received when he was eight days old. Jesus’ circumcision, baptism, communion — everything in his kingdom — is in the Spirit, not in the flesh.

Yes, the Father must have been very happy with His Son at the Jordan. But then, can you think of a time when the Father was not happy with him? The Son always did what pleased the Father.

Hope that helps.

Pastor John

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From Chile

Name: boris y sandra

comments: nos alegra tanto el poder ver los cultos que ustedes realizan,en chile tambien estamos buscando màs y màs de la hermosa presencia de nuestro SEÑOR,sabemos que su Espiritu Santo lo esta llenando todo,preparandonos para ese dia glorioso de su venida.Nosotros vivimos en una ciudad llamada Quilpuè en la provincia de Valparaìso donde ocurriò a comienzos del 1900 un gran avivamiento. Esperamos uno mayor para toda esta naciòn que tanto lo necesita. Reciban las màs ricas bendiciones, que EL SEÑOR les sea dando y dando màs abundamente de lo que pidan o deseen ya que como dice en Santiago 4:5 “EL ESPIRITU NOS ANHELA CELOSAMENTE” les amamos aun sin conocerles ,orando los unos por los otros.


Translation (by Manny J.):

She says that they rejoice greatly in watching your services, she says that in Chile they are also seeking for the glorious presence of our lord, and says that she knows that His presence is filling up all, getting is ready for that glorious day of his coming. We live in quilpue in the state of Valparaiso where there was a big revival in the biginning of 1900. We await for a bigger one for this nation that much need it. May the lord bless you richly and give you the desires of your heart. Like the lord says on James 4.5… We love you even though do not know you. Pray the ones for the others.

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Pearl 071412

Hey Daddy… How does the July 14 Pearl apply to ppl like Oral Roberts? He was known & loved by a lot of ppl worldwide, although many others may not have liked him. Did Grandaddy mean “popular” as in with pop culture? Or did he mean “right with God” as in specifically knowing the truth about New Birth, etc?



Yes, it applies. Brother Roberts was hated and ridiculed by many, many people during his lifetime. He did not really have much favor among most Christians, even though he tried to please them. He was expelled by the leaders of the Methodist sect even though he abandoned the Pentecostal sect to join them.

Brother Roberts tried to be a good Christian, to teach Christian doctrine and observe Christian traditions, and he made a valiant effort, but he just had too much of God in him to really fit in with most Christians.


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On Sunday Tom drove us to the “Falls of the Ohio”. It was a fascinating sight though we could not go down to the fossil beds. Later, telling Bob about it, Bob mentioned that there were Roman coins found on the site that were in the museum (which I did not enter on Sunday.) Curious, I looked up what could be found on-line concerning these coins. One page is at http://www.econ.ohio-state.edu/jhm/arch/coins/fallsoh.htm

A couple of things on this page were also curious, namely, the other coins found in Kentucky and a Mexican artifact. While uncertainty will always surround such discoveries I was even more fascinated by a comment on the web page above. It reads,

For several years, the Falls of the Ohio Museum had an exhibit about the find that displayed several casts of both sides of the two originals, so as to reflect the approximate number of coins originally in the hoard. The two original coins, depicted above, are in storage and were not on public display. McCormick has informed me that the exhibit has recently been removed from public display, because the Museum belongs to the state of Indiana, and the exhibit conflicted with the state’s archaeological policy that there is no documented evidence of pre-Columbian contacts.”

So they don’t display possible evidence of pre-Columbian contact because there is no evidence of such contacts. And what is an “archaeological policy????”

To me that is just strange but it doesn’t surprise me. I know that in Australia “inconvenient” archaeological investigations have been shut down as a result of Aborigines objecting to them. The underlying problem for the Aborigines is that some see evidence that the so-called “Tasmanian Aborigines” were a distinct group of people whom the current-day Aborigines wiped out on the mainland. This undermines the “victim” status that some among the Aborigines cultivate very carefully to their material advantage.

Anyway, it is just another pointer into what goes on in science. In history and archaeology it has often seemed to me that modern scholars first spend their efforts in debunking what primary sources exist so that they can then build academic careers interpreting secondary and tertiary sources. I suspect that geology and evolution is another area full of such things.


P.S. I happened to flick on the TV Sunday morning to see a British historian discussing some major Roman architectural achievements – triple arch aqueducts and the “Baths of Caracalla” were shown in that segment. The historian was speaking about the motivation behind constructions such as the baths (which were available to the general population) was the desire for glory, honor and an enduring fame. It was neat to hear a scholar saying just what we had read about the previous evening.


Hi Damien:

There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that such archaeological policies as you mentioned above can be found in every discipline, including theological. There is no telling what really has been discovered by archaeologists around the world but has not been released to the public because those finds contradict accepted doctrines and theories.


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